Mysticism: Where Science, Art and Spirituality Meet
Zoom Online Class Thursdays 7PM September 2023-June 2024

Bart Stuck (applied mathematician and physicist) and Marjorie Partch (Jungian astrologer) lead these weekly discussions, which follow readings and lectures on ancient concepts and cutting-edge theories, presenting fresh alternatives to the apparent dichotomy that: Mainstream religion is an increasingly irrelevant part of daily life, with growing numbers citing their religious affiliation as NONE; materialism is ascendant everywhere; While Western science, after 500 years, finds it has been studying 5% of the Universe. These stand-alone modular class units ( explore the wonder of the hidden unity and order of the world around us — the Uni-verse. Sources include The Tao of Physics, and correspondence between psychoanalyst C.G. Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli: Atom and Archetype. To participate via ZOOM: [email protected]
Date & Time
Weekly on Thursday
Oct 04, 2023 through Jun 20, 2024
7:00PM - 9:00PM
Participating Businesses
The Aleph Talks: Alpha to Omega