Inspiring Ourselves to Forge Forward with Emotional Healing
Emotional healing is a broad
term that can encompass many different pathways to get there, whether they are
physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. But do we ever really “get there?”
Isn’t it more of an evolving journey peeling back the “onion” of the good and
not-so-good experiences of our lives as we try to acknowledge and grow
emotionally for ourselves and our families? How do we find the tools that fit
our needs, experiences, traumas, family and more? How can we inspire ourselves
to heal when we lack inspiration and motivation?
In our local article, Timothy Tynan delves into the ties between
our emotional energies and their effects on our bodies, and how we can
recognize them to move toward healing our physical symptoms. Trauma directly
affects our emotional health. In “Stopping the Trauma Cycle,” we delve into
several tools that can help address issues. We explore how to emotionally heal
as a family in our Healthy Kids section, while Natural Pets focuses on how
therapy dogs foster healing. Check out other great articles in this September
issues, including some yummy recipes with mushrooms.
We focus on the health benefits of yoga as well. Check out Kaia
Yoga’s offerings on our back cover. We take it a step further—a warrior
step!—by being a major sponsor of Transcend Festival’s weekend-long
yoga/wellness/spirituality event, taking place on September 14-15 at Powder
Ridge Mountain with more than 90 workshops, a Mindful Market with over 60
vendors, an after-fest party and so much more. Come for a day or the weekend (
Make sure you stop by and say hi to us in the vendor market. Tag us in your
pics and posts if you attend (FB @NAConnecticut, IG @NaturalAwakeningsCT)!
Blessings for a happy, healthy September!
Ariana Rawls Fine, Publisher