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Natural Awakenings Central-Eastern Connecticut

Finding Inspiration

“In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” ~ Abraham Maslow

We are constantly faced with articles, recommendations, therapy and more to be inspired to do better, feel better, eat better, emote better…and the list goes on. It can get excessive with how much advice—unsolicited many a time—we receive from our friends and family, self-help blogs, social media posts, and the random acquaintance you run into at the supermarket as you smile politely. And they are, for the most part, well-meaning in wanting the best for you. Their words might be geared toward your love life, work worries, parenting, health, weight, living situation, kids, finances or something else. Although we may not agree with what they say or their delivery, what can we learn from them? Awareness is half the battle, right? But awareness is a constant need throughout every aspect of our lives. And who wants to be “battling” all the time?

So, as Dolly Parton once said, “If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” Reaching out for a helping hand from a local practitioner can lend you the guidance you seek to make that change in your life and pave a new path forward. We are so lucky to live in an area with many amazing practitioners and businesses focused on supporting a healthy lifestyle for you and your loved ones. In our annual Natural Living Directory, businesses in our in-depth profile and spotlight sections expand on how they help clients with their expertise, unique aspects, future plans and more, enabling you to find a match for your needs and philosophies. In the annual directory listings section, you can find more services, products and specialists to help you along your health and healing journey.

Our local articles delve into stress-busting foods with Renee Edge and nourishing the “Mom Brain” and focusing with Cortney Katz. In this annual edition, we also have articles about Ayurvedic seasonal eating, summer health for kids and pets, beneficial nutrients for the skin, chemical-free weed control and more. There are several big wellness and festival events coming up in July and September so keep an eye out for the ads with more details!

This annual edition is great to keep on hand as a resource for the next year as you strive to be better for yourself. We are grateful to continue being a resource for you along that amazing journey of self-discovery and self-care.

All the Best,


Ariana Rawls Fine, Publisher