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Natural Awakenings Central-Eastern Connecticut

Astrology for 2025: A Time for Reassessment, Renewal and Awakening

Dec 31, 2024 ● By Colin McPhillamy

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The astrology tied to the year of 2025 is set to have a significant impact, with major celestial shifts on the horizon. These changes are unlikely to pass unnoticed as the coming year and beyond bring dramatic transformations.

As with the ever-changing dance of the planets, the relationship between free will and levels of awareness on Earth will shape the results. The higher the consciousness, the more profound the manifestation.

The year begins with two of the planets closest to Earth appearing to move backwards through the zodiac. The first six to seven weeks of 2025 present a prime time for planning and strategizing; a calm, thoughtful approach will yield better outcomes than impulsive actions. From March 1 through mid-April, applying a warm heart to relationships will be an ideal way to make the most of Mars and Venus in retrograde.

However, there is a much larger astrological backdrop to consider. In recent years, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus have been moving through Earth and Water signs. This has been reflected in global events such as floods and earthquakes (Neptune), the revelation of secrets in high places (Pluto), technological advancements in finance (Uranus), and power struggles across various sectors of society.

A transition of the outer planets from Earth and Water to more volatile Air and Fire signs is now underway. According to astrological theory, each nation will respond to these changes in ways that reflect the unique characteristics of its constitution.

For the United States, this could indicate a profound re-shaping of governance. At the same time, ideological tensions, divisions, and a distorted relationship to truth and facts may continue, possibly escalating into domestic conflict as efforts toward social control clash with collective desires for rebellion. Armed conflict, both domestic and international, remains a possibility.

Despite the intensity of this forecast, it is important to note that the lighter energies of Air and Fire can be harnessed creatively, fostering celebration and new growth. Pluto’s key message is, “Let go of what no longer serves you.” This could be as simple as clearing out clutter, or as profound as revisiting and reevaluating deeply held beliefs.

In May of 2025, Saturn, the Lord of Time and Tradition, will meet Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusion, early in Aries. This alignment will present an opportunity for new beginnings. The impulse to initiate new projects will ebb and flow; it won’t be until July 2026 that these initiatives fully take shape.

The optimistic view is that, if humanity can navigate the catharsis of the next 18 months, a powerful astrological configuration in July 2026 will offer the most enlightened opportunity of the entire 21st century, according to some astrologers.

Additionally, the number of celestial bodies known to humanity has increased exponentially since the turn of the millennium. Astrological understanding is based on the concept of a connected universe; humanity, both individually and collectively, can make conscious use of these newly discovered energies, paving the way for new and exciting adventures.


Air Signs  (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini)

Pluto moved into Aquarius on November 20, 2024, where it will remain until 2044. This marks the beginning of a slow, deep process of letting go of what no longer serves you, especially for both air and fire signs. This transit will prompt an examination of one’s relationship to power, both personal and global. Depending on individual placements in these signs, the experience of this transit may feel challenging or may be welcomed as a positive change. Regardless, this is a powerful shift that brings cleansing and purging energy.

Fire Signs  (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

Neptune will leave Pisces on March 31, 2025, and move into Aries, where it will travel for 14 years. This shift is likely to bring a quickening of dreams and aspirations for both fire and air signs. Neptune, the planet of glamour and illusions, influences beliefs and truths; during this transit, these signs may feel compelled to take more initiative in living their personal truths. There will be a call to action, urging them to create their dreams with the strength of mind and fire of heart.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)

Jupiter, the planet of celebration, optimism and generosity, will move into Cancer on June 10, 2025, where it is exalted. Jupiter will travel through Cancer, both forward and retrograde, for a year. This transit is an excellent time for Water signs to connect with loved ones and engage in charitable works, kindness and compassion. Familial concerns may come into focus; relationships, particularly those of love and care, may grow deeper. The themes of giving and receiving nurture will be prominent.

Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo)

Uranus will complete its seven-year journey through Taurus on July 8, 2025, before transitioning into Gemini. Uranus in Taurus has brought technological innovations, most notably in cryptocurrency. As Uranus is the planet of surprises, its shift into Gemini may bring unexpected developments in the physical world during the first half of 2025. Earth signs are encouraged to review the practical arrangements in their lives, considering improvements and exploring any ideas, no matter how unconventional they may initially seem.

Colin McPhillamy, a British/Australian actor and astrologer, is based out of Pleasantville, N.Y. Connect at