Psychotherapy Healing Services, LLC
Celestial Empowerment Quantum Healthcare, LLC
Celeste Emelia Mattingly, LCSW
Phone: 860-470-5404
Fax: 860-321-7353
Summary of services offered: State-of-the-art multidimensional quantum psychotherapy for adults, Tachyon anti-aging and healing meditation sessions, reconnective healing, and quantum in-person and distance healing sessions. Accept insurance for psychotherapy.
What drew you to this profession? In 1999, I founded Psychotherapy Healing Services, LLC, with a mission statement promising to provide state-of-the-art holistic psychotherapy for adults.
How does your work differ from others in your profession? Twenty-five years later, I embody this mission statement, and am broadening my services to include quantum healthcare. I created a theory for integrating spirituality and psychology: Celestial Psychology ( and authored a guidebook and a workbook for Celestial Psychology available on Amazon (
What should someone expect from working with you? Increase consciousness and navigate difficult life transitions such as divorce, the death of a loved one, domestic violence, loss of employment, obtaining disability, chronic illness, and diagnosing spiritual-emergence vs. spiritual or psychiatric emergencies. Overcome PTSD, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, gambling, sex addiction and other issues.
What changes/enhancements do you have underway for 2024-2025? We are building an exciting new community for spiritual empowerment. Sign up on to get the latest updates.
What is most important for Natural Awakenings’ readers to know? Call 860-470-5404 and mention this ad for a complimentary 30-minute Tachyon Anti-Aging & Meditation Healing Session.