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Natural Awakenings Central-Eastern Connecticut

Reflecting Back on the Year

The biggest holiday month of the year is upon us, with its uplifting energy, stressful shopping, heartfelt moments of connection and reconnection, and meals galore. December can be a month of spiritual enrichment, missing those who have passed on or are no longer in our lives, self-reflection, and so much more. As you reflect back on the first 11 months of 2023, take the time to commend yourself and be grateful for what you have accomplished this year. For myself, I am truly grateful for the opportunity in 2023 to become the publisher of this amazing magazine, continuing my decade-long Natural Awakenings editor and writer journey. I wish a very happy holiday season to our readers and supporting businesses.

As you make your way through December and the holidays (whichever ones you celebrate), take some time to sit and read our articles with a cup of tea, coffee or hot cocoa (or something stronger!). This month’s articles are inspirational as well as actionable, informative and thought-provoking. In a local article from author Branwen OShea, learn about how new fiction genres challenge the status quo and offer uplifting options to circumstances with characters that stay true to themselves and their humanity.

Deepak Chopra, M.D. delves into the quantum body and achieving personal peace in a Q&A interview with Natural Awakenings. On a practical side, we offer ideas to have greener and healthier holiday parties; give, receive and donate; treat ourselves and our families; and make play objects for your pets. In addition, we focus on intermittent fasting and teaching children valuable life skills.

Remember to check out the calendar of events and the community resource guide as you think about gifts of healthy living experiences, products and services for your loved ones for the holidays. Support your local holistic-minded practitioners and small businesses!

All the best,


Ariana Rawls Fine, Publisher